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Are you a Light worker?


Are there times where you feel that you are called to heal others? Do you want to try and resolve the social and environmental issues affecting the world? Do you feel compelled to heal your life as an initial step in healing others? If you feel and experience these emotions, then you have already started your journey into becoming a light worker

Light workers feel an enormous pull towards helping others. This pull dictates and guides them in the process of healing themselves and the people around them. Every Light worker lives in this world with a purpose and often it takes years or decades to recognize this purpose. Often since childhood light workers feel greater kindness and empathy for the people, animals and things they come in contact with. To help you unleash the light worker within you, we will go over some valuable things to keep in mind as you study the fundamentals of light work.

Stages to being A Light worker.

Light workers play a very important role in the world around us. They carry within themselves the ability to intuitively feel the sadness and emotions of the world. Often, natural born light workers choose a profession that plays into this role. Whether they realize it or not, the profession often involves helping others in some way and utilizing their empathetic gifts. They may work in nursing, therapy, rehabilitation, childcare, teaching or the myriad of other fields that afford them the opportunity to help others.

Light workers play a vital role in this life. They carry within themselves the capability to obtain spiritual awakening faster than other people. They have also reached a certain phase of enlightenment before they even begin with their earthly mission. The existence of light workers in these different positions allows the opening that is essential for light to come through from a higher plane.

Light workers are all around us. They may even be members of your own family, one of your friends, co-workers or people that you pass on the street. It is also possible that a light worker is an individual who has yet to awaken to their calling in life. They may not be in the right season of life for this journey to be opened upon them. But we can rest assured, their power may be dormant at this moment, but this gift will be known to them soon enough! Sometimes it takes a little longer for a light worker to fully bloom and start to fulfil their purpose in helping others. The light that shines brightest cannot remain dark for long!

Light workers also have a core goodness inside of themselves. They carry within themselves a powerful and radiant vibration of positive energy. When their power is fully realized, nothing can stop them from the creation of a loving and positive atmosphere in the world. They are always aware of their real purpose and remain active and vigilant in the pursuit of enlightenment.

Just the same as the sun that rises every morning, light workers are bringing light into this world every single day. They are working upon this earth with a full heart, light in bearing and in spirit, bringing empathy, kindness, peace, tranquillity, happiness and love into the world. They play a vital role in bringing order amongst the growing chaos of our modern world.

In today's world, it is understood that light workers are those brave souls at the cutting edge of revolutionizing human consciousness. They may also be experiencing an expanded consciousness and a reconnection to infinite intelligence that is only accessible to themselves. Whichever form their power displays itself the world is forever indebted to the positive vibrations and healing power that the light worker brings forth.

Light workers have the ability to attain spiritual awakening faster and with more clarity than others. They are blessed to have been born with an inner seed of knowledge that is essential for a rapid awakening. They truly encompass the term “old soul”. They have infinite lifetimes of consciousness and compassion to share with our world. Light workers have attained a certain phase of enlightenment even before they come to life in our world and begin their mission. It is ingrained within each individual light worker alone, which path their destiny shall take.

However, just like most anything in life there are some problems involved with awakening that kind of power into a person. Here are some of the common issues related to being a light worker.

Challenges in becoming a Light worker.

Light workers can also be caught up in similar states of illusion and ignorance just like anyone else. Even though they may begin from different points of departure, their ability to break through illusion and fear to obtain enlightenment can always be hindered by outside factors. By enlightenment, what we mean is a state of being, in which one realizes that he or she is mainly of the Light – he or she has the ability to choose light at any time and in any situation.

There are many light workers who are carrying a heavy karmic burden, leading them astray from the path they are destined for. This is one of the factors that block the road to enlightenment for some light workers.

This karmic burden is actually related to decisions they once made regarding humanity in their early life or in a previous life. These decisions may leave faint traces or vibrations that ripple gently through eternity. All light workers who are now living in this world may wish to, consciously or unconsciously, undo and set right some of these mistakes that were once made. They also want to restore and to cherish the things that were destroyed due to those mistakes.

When the light worker makes their way through a karmic burden and releases their need for power, they will begin to realize that they are beings of light. This will allow them to extend their hand and help other people in searching for their own real selves. This is where and when their real power will start to shine through. However, before that can be done they may need to navigate this process of shedding their karmic burden. This may require great perseverance and determination on their inner level.

Society, now more than ever, is feeding us with constant judgments and values which commonly go against the natural impulses of a light worker. This can lend to the light worker getting tied up in the states of self-denial, self-doubt and even hopelessness. The light worker may even feel that there is something truly wrong with them, when in fact ,the only thing wrong is that they have not yet started on their true journey. Toxic exposures whether physical or emotional, nutritional imbalances, overwork, stress and anxiety can all lead to the light worker becoming temporarily “stuck” in the awakening phase.

This can be quite discouraging for those bright souls that are destined to share their light with the world. However the path has already been written for these people. We can take solace in knowing that, in due time, they will find their true purpose! They will stop looking externally for validation from society, friends or parents and they will realize that everything they seek can be found within themselves. Their journey to provide healing and service for the world around them can now begin!

Spiritual Training.

Contrary to what many may think, light work is very different from what many people today understand it to be. You may have to let go of your current perceptions of what spiritual healing and service truly are in order to fully grasp the realities of light work. Most importantly, you may have to “unlearn” the fact that helping others is not all about offering something to others. The idea that others may be lacking or deficient in a certain area can be damaging to their healing process and your growth as a light worker. The right way to help others is to make them more aware of their abilities and the power they possess to heal themselves.

To climb the ladder of being a light worker and successfully bring positivity into the world and awareness into the lives of others, you need some light worker training. Here, we will go through several principles and ideas that can help you on your journey to becoming an effective light worker.

What Spiritual Trainings can give you?

Are you living in the light of spiritual awareness? Do you feel compelled to bring that light into the world? Are you constantly thinking about making positive changes in the world, but you have not yet found the right avenue of service? Spiritual training will help you become an effective light worker and achieve these things.

Spiritual training can be essential in helping light workers obtain their goals by fulfilling different avenues of spiritual service and by offering classes that can help them accelerate their ascension process. Training may help speed your awakening to the light of greater consciousness, and help with your passing such light to the people you come in contact with. We are all students in one way or another. To immerse yourself in a path of openness and knowledge will only benefit your purpose in this world. The idea of “training” to become a light worker can mean many different things.

It does not necessarily have to mean sitting in a class or taking a course. For some people it means reading books or listening to podcasts from like-minded individuals. For others it means just sitting or meditating and retrospectively listening to your body and soul. It could mean a sense of “on the job training” in which you help people repeatedly until you have awakened your inner light. The process of learning can take many shapes and only you know what will work best for you, so listen to your inner voice and enjoy the ride!

The Process of Awakening

The awakening is the profound spark that shows us what our purpose is and what path we will take in this life. The process of awakening may not be easy, and there are those among us who may try to run as fast as they can in the other direction! After a while they may start to feel resent and anger building up inside of them. They might feel lost or have a sense of heartache. This is because deep inside, their inner light is trying to put them back on the path. It may take a month or it may take years. But rest assured, eventually they will head towards the light and towards their awakening. There may be pain and tears along the way, but once the consciousness inside of you has been recognized everything will start to fall into place and you can begin to heal and share that light with other

Understand the Awakening Process

Light workers are hyper aware of their surroundings, whether that is people, places, animals or objects. They are aware of their real presence in this world and they are mindful of their true purpose. They are living according to the divine plan and that plan is guided from within. As we discussed earlier, many light workers have not yet awakened. They are going through the motions of everyday life but something is missing. Reaching a spiritual awakening can be a very lonely, confusing, frustrating and also stunningly beautiful time.

This awakening will start the process of putting you on the path to your life's work. A spiritual awakening can be described as a “rebirth” or a “wake up” in the most sincere of ways. These awakenings can happen at any moment or at any time in your life. They may come out of nowhere or they might be brought on by a significant life event such as illness, tragedy, loss, accidents, divorces, or one of many other scenarios. Here we will discuss the 7 stages to spiritual awakening. Look at these stages as a very loose roadmap. Everyone moves at different paces through this life and through this journey. Do not feel bad if you move three steps ahead and then back two steps. Your path will unfold before you in its own time and its own way.

Seven Stages to Awakening

Stage One: Feeling lost, Aimless or Distant

You feel as if you are just conforming to society, yet inside you know that something is wrong. You are wandering through this life with no purpose. There is a great unhappiness simmering with you and you feel disconnected from the world around you. This stage may be brought on suddenly through a major life event or it may have been simmering for many years.

Stage Two: A Shift in Perception

Cracks begin to show in the world around you, exposing pieces of a new reality. You start to see through all of the things that society has inundated you with your whole life. You still feel a great sense of despair but you will never look at things the same again. The veil has been ever so slightly lifted and there is no going back.

Stage Three: Seeking Answers

You begin to ask the right questions and seek out the right people to help you find your way. You dive into learning more about spiritual awakenings and begin to educate yourself on every kind of metaphysical and esoteric information that you can get your hands on. This is a process of personal growth and you are very excited about the journey that you are undertaking. You still have feelings of anxiety, depression, etc….but you are also beginning to feel positivity radiating from the direction you are heading.

Stage Four: Curiosity and Breakthroughs

This is a time of wonder, joy and curiosity. You seek answers and you begin finding them. You have experienced some fleeting moments of spiritual enlightenment. The old ways of your life begin to fade away. The old stresses and fears slowly begin to dissipate. This is a time of childlike wonder and amazement at the world that you are glimpsing for the first time.

Stage Five: Ebb and Flow

This is a big process and you are changing your life in a major way. Because of that, one should not be deterred or disappointed by a step backwards. Imagine this process as a river. You have to give into the current and go where it takes you. This is not a linear process and jumping between steps is to be expected. Trust that you are heading in the right direction.

Stage Six: Inner Wisdom/Work

You crave more. You want to go deeper. You become a serious student of all the modalities you have been learning. Your desire to reach enlightenment outweighs the stress in your life. You begin to take real ownership of the spiritual gifts you have been given. You speak your own truth and may begin to help others see the path. Your work as a lightworker may begin in this stage which opens the doors to your new purpose.

Stage Seven: Integration and Expansion

You begin to manifest the life you have always sought. The tools you have learned are helping to limit the negative emotions that you used to feel. You live in the “now” and can appreciate things like never before. You can zoom out of your daily routine and see what the big picture is. Your intuition and empathetic nature reach new heights. Your ego is gone and you can now feel a deep inner peace. You set out on your new journey of bringing positivity and light to the people who need it most! Go with the light!

These 7 steps are just a guidebook. Everyone who seeks this gift will move through the process at their own pace. There are no wrong answers or wrong practices when trying to better oneself. It is best to listen to your heart and be kind to yourself. We hope you can attain lasting inner peace and become the person you desire!

Types of Light workers

There are many definitions of Lightwork for different people. We define Lightworkers as anyone who makes a conscious decision to live in the light and to share that Light! To let their ego dissipate and to dedicate themselves to healing others. They may be newly awakened or they may have had this calling for eons. Here we will talk about just a few of the different types of Lightworkers. They all have their own unique mission in life and we love them all equally!

Gridworkers and Gatekeepers: Earth is a living, breathing being with a powerful energy field and chakra. Each grid of the planet has light and dark cosmic energy fields. Grid Workers try to bring the light to wherever darkness has taken over. While gridworkers bring light through existing open gateways or portals, gatekeepers have to create these doorways where they do not exist. It is a particularly challenging form of lightwork and may involve a team of lightworkers.

Divine Light Keepers: The divine light keeper has to embody the light as their core purpose in life. No matter what darkness creeps into their life it is their ultimate purpose to overpower that darkness with light. Especially important in times of disaster and destruction, our world is forever grateful to these blessed souls for helping humanity get through tough times.

Healers: These lightworkers are extremely empathetic and have the unique ability to heal others physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The healer may be gifted in one of these areas or may be proficient in all of them. Healers may also do their work on more than just other people. They may heal plants, animals or even the world around them. Like many other highly empathetic beings, the healer may still be unaware of their power. In order to heal others, one must first look deep within themselves to heal their own body, mind and spirit. Once they have cleared the way for themselves, they can begin healing others.

Transmuters:These amazing souls have the ability to dive into areas of darkness in the process of clearing away the karmic darkness. Sometimes a transmuter is born into an ancestral line of trauma and their purpose is to flip that negativity into positivity.

Messengers: The messenger “downloads” information and messages from divine angels, interstellar star seeds, spirits and ancient ancestors. Their purpose as a lightworker is to transmit this information to anyone they come in contact with. In today's modern age this could mean talking with people, writing a blog, hosting meetings, websites, etc…. Regardless of the modality they choose to deliver their message, their sole purpose is to translate and convey the spiritual information they receive. We are all very thankful for the work they do !

Ascension Guides: These lightworkers are ascending to higher levels on a daily basis. They are always pushing the envelope to higher levels of spiritual enlightenment. They are very important to us because they show us all a path to reach the next plateau. They can explain and teach us their process so we can all follow in their footsteps.

Dreamers: Just as light work can take place in daily life, it can also take place in different astral planes or dreams. The Dreamer can enter into these dream states and bring light to wherever it is needed most. They have the ability to reach further and deeper into past experiences and heal past regressions. They learn from infinite phases of reality and can bring back ideas that push our daily reality forward. They are astute note takers on their dream experiences and this can translate into a massive amount of creativity.

Clairvoyants and Seers: These amazing lightworkers have an essential skill in communicating with spiritual beings and are truly spiritually blessed. They have the ability to pass along messages from other worlds which can bring an immense amount of light to the people here on earth. They have the ability to heal and drastically change people's lives using their gifts. We are very thankful for these individuals as they heal our collective on such a large scale.

These are just a few of the different kinds of Lightworkers. There are many more and infinite combinations as well. Do any of these resonate with you? We are eternally thankful for the work these people are doing and they bring an immeasurable amount of light into our world!

Ascension and Guidance

We must understand ourselves far beyond the ego, beyond mind and beyond our bodies. It is crucial to take time to reconnect and heal ourselves. The path to almost everything in life begins with you. The saying “be the change you want to see in the world” has never rang truer. The only way forward begins within us. Meditation, breathing exercises and journaling can all help to awaken our enlightened self. Making a routine for these practices will benefit you greatly. Just like growing plants, these changes may start slow, but they will steadily reach for the light.

Divine guidance plays a very important role in the world of a lightworker. Most people may call this a form of prayer but it transcends the idea of religion. Many lightworkers of all kinds seek this divine guidance on a daily basis such as healers, protectors and clairvoyants do. A prayer can be looked at as a single beam of light and when combined, they grow in intensity and direction. Sometimes lightworkers, knowingly or unknowingly, link their prayers in this fashion with great results. We all need a way to be connected with the divine creator to help us fulfil our purpose in this life. Prayer helps us look inward in order to share the light upward!

Guidance can come from prayer but it can also come from seeking other lightworkers. We have much to learn from our fellow practitioners. A clairvoyant could learn a tremendous amount from a gridworker for instance, and vice versa. Being a lightworker is about constantly learning and reaching for higher spiritual enlightenment. It is important to connect with likeminded people within your community, so that you can all lift each other up. Show up for your passion! Make the effort! This is a lifelong process and it takes time. Do not be discouraged if you cannot find your “tribe” right away. Life unfolds in different ways for different people at different stages in their development. You will get there!

Accepting The Calling

A lightworker is any being who is committed to the cultivation of the inner presence as well as the elevation of awareness in one’s self and others. Being a lightworker is also a valuable evolutionary step toward being spiritually enlightened. There is an awakening that is happening throughout the world, now more than ever, and this awakening has ordained that you participate! The world is full of complexities and we are living in a disorganized world where troubles abound, issues are everywhere, crime, greed and darkness are on the rise. The good thing is that there is a divine plan to bring peace and light into the world! That plan begins and ends with the lightworker. They are the primary beings who are involved in this divine plan. If you accept the calling, then you will play a great role in the healing of this world!

Becoming a lightworker is not easy, but it is a very important calling. One that will give fulfillment that you never thought imaginable. Lightworking is as essential as the air that we breathe. If you become a successful lightworker, you will be responsible for shining happiness, love, peace, freedom and tranquility into the world. Who would not strive for that !?

“With great power comes great responsibility” we have all heard this saying, but as a lightworker it really rings true. As a lightworker, you have several responsibilities to perform and expectations to meet. Your role is to calm inner turmoil and bring light and love to all around you. You are able to radiate inspiration, hope, faith, joy, happiness and love into the outer and inner world.

Imagine every materialistic thing in your life disappears overnight. Everything is stripped to its base level. Can you still be happy? Are you prepared to let that go? Can you still be empathetic and shine light on others? If the answer is yes, then you understand your true calling. Being a lightworker is not glamorous. It is a life of service. A life of shouldering the problems and emotions of the world on your back. If you understand this, you have already accepted the calling. You have been given the chance to educate, heal and protect the world around you. It is a great calling and the rewards for your soul will be great as well. You will recognize your true value in life and this self-love will create more light than you ever thought possible. Your character will strengthen and your old ways will drop by the wayside.

You have the ultimate power to spread what the world needs! You will always choose light, love, justice and peace! We salute you and wish you nothing but the best for your journey! The path awaits….follow it !



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